Devon WRAParound

The ACE Devon service provides a personalised wrap-around education package to complex statemented or EHCP pupils at risk of having to be educated in residential placements. The pupils have failed to thrive in Devon secondary and special schools or are returning from out of County placements. The model is based on our successful Wrap service provided in Plymouth. 

Every child has a high level of support often including one to one support and bespoke timetables following thematic learning experiences. A wide range of personalised learning in and out of the classroom is designed to engage the student, build resilience and provide the foundation for rapid academic progress. 

We work very closely with parents and carers and many other support agencies to ensure that the child’s education is paramount. Referrals are made via the Devon Council Special Needs Department or Virtual School for Looked after Children 


Head of Provision: 

Sarah Dodds 01752 396100 / 07710 307456


1a Pinbrook Industrial Estate, Chancel Lane, Pinhoe, Exeter, EX4 8JU

  • Lead Teacher: Danielle Chubb | 07719 928353 |
  • Pastoral Lead: Paisley Rogers | 07966 457856 |
  • Pastoral Lead: Libby Jeffery | 07855 960728 |