Referrals / Admissions
There are three different routes for the referral of pupils:
- Block funded commissioned places by a Schools Forum panel for those at risk or have been permanently excluded from mainstream education, direct school referrals for pupils on respite placement, LA in year admissions referral and pupils who are manage transferred by a Placement Panel.
- Individually commissioned packages for high need pupils who are not part of a block funded agreement.
- Medical referrals for hospital education as defined by the DFE for pupils who cannot access education. These are either referred through a locally agreed arrangement or are ‘automatically’ referred by being admitted into an NHS hospital.
ACE Schools Plymouth does not accept applications from parents/carers or self-referrals from potential pupils.
The admission procedure is as follows:
Block funded commissioned places
Block funded commissioning processes will be specified in a commissioning contract and will broadly follow the process below:
Stage 1) Commissioning body, school or panel submits either a locally agreed information passport, or the ACE Referral Form, to ACE Admissions email.
Stage 2) From date of admission over the next 4 working weeks ACE Admissions will assess the needs of the child, risk assess and review their provision. Admissions will then feedback to the commissioner, school or placement panel to either concur that the package cost is acceptable or submit a request for additional funding based on evidence of need.
Stage 3) All placements will be reviewed every six weeks and if there are changes then a new stated higher or lower band/package cost and justification will be submitted.
Individually commissioned packages for high need pupils
Stage 1) Commissioning body submits a fully completed ACE Referral Form, this is sent to ACE Admissions.
Stage 2) ACE Admissions review the information and cost the package for agreement with the commissioner.
Stage 3) Once cost is mutually agreed with the commissioner , educational provision will start as soon as is practicable.
Medical funded places
These are fully funded fixed number FTE places by the ESFA as per ACE schools funding agreement. Admission is either through through a locally agreed arrangement or alternatively through an admission directly to a hospital provision