
Careers Education Information and Guidance (CEIAG) 

At ACE, we teach personal development within our Careers Education Information and Guidance curriculum because it not only helps students develop the confidence to make informed decisions about their future, but it can inspire them to aim high and achieve goals they never thought possible.



ACE Schools is fully committed to ensuring that every student has access to interactions, experiences, and opportunities, which support them in exploring the full range of post-16 pathways.  We are a student-centred school and adopt a bespoke approach for all students, where possible.  Staff at ACE Schools act and support impartially, which enables students to progress in their educational journey.

ACE Schools ensures that all students have access to information on technical options, Apprenticeships, Further Education and Higher Education. Information, advice, and guidance will be shared by all training providers and employers across Devon and Cornwall.

Careers Information, Education and Guidance (CIEAG) is an essential part of Education at ACE Schools. It prepares students for the responsibility and experiences of life, whilst building on aspirations for the future, having achieved 100% across all eight Gatsby benchmarks.



Students who attend ACE Schools are exposed to experiences that encourage, explore and strengthen their skills and personal development.  Students embark on programmes such as Skills Builder and Naturally Talented Me to stimulate and inspire them so that they can be aspirational, whilst fully understanding the range of options available to them. Staff support students by embedding the programmes into everyday learning, to ensure a successful transition at post-16 and beyond.

Students from KS3 are also supported to create a Personal Profile using Careerpilot, which includes referencing Essential Skills, linking with Skills Builder and talents. The platform has information about all sectors of employment, job roles, qualifications, courses and apprenticeships.  It also supports parents/carers and staff to explore additional information with potential funding and teaching resources.

The CEIAG programme offers the following opportunities, such as training provider talks and visits, application and CV writing, work experience, mock interviews at KS4, access to labour market information, workshops with the Armed Services and workshops at local Colleges and Universities.



High quality careers education and guidance at ACE Schools supports students’ future successes and is endorsed by the Gold Skills Builder Award. It helps to prepare them for the workplace by providing a clear understanding of the world of work, including the routes to jobs and careers that they might find engaging and rewarding. It supports them to acquire the employability skills, centred around self-development and the career management skills they need to achieve positive destinations at post-16 and beyond. Students are inspired to choose their pathways, improve their life opportunities, and contribute to a productive and successful society.