Our Ethos and Values

Our ethos is that everyone should be treated with kindness and respect at all times. We are a nurturing inclusive community where everyone can thrive, staff and pupils alike. We listen and know all our pupils as individuals. 

We provide high quality teaching and learning with a broad and engaging curriculum through which every pupil has the opportunity to find their own identity, achieve academic success and personal growth. 

We have unrivalled expertise in safeguarding and the flexibility to meet the needs of each pupil, working with families to support them to develop positive relationships and high self-esteem. 

We live these values every day in all that we do so that our pupils recognise the importance of them through their life journey. We want our pupils to be caring and successful citizens who have improved life chances and make a positive impact on those around them. 

Transforming Futures, Changing Lives 

Fulfilling our Vision 


At ACE we have a diverse range of learners with a range of needs that far outreaches other schools and settings in our field. As a result of this a prescriptive teaching program would not benefit the majority of our learners. What our young people do all have in common is that they thrive on relationships and all have the capacity to learn and make outstanding progress. These two factors are what underpins our approach to teaching them and developing their learning. These principles are based on two modes of delivery as set out below.