Plymouth WRAParound

The ACE WRAP service provides a personalised wrap-around education package for complex statemented or EHCP pupils at risk of having to be educated in residential placements. 

Every child has a high level of support often including one to one support and bespoke timetables following thematic learning experiences. 

Referrals are made via the local authority’s SMAP panel or on placement from a school. 

WRAP packages by their nature involve close working relationships with a large number of partners. The aim is to provide an holistic support system to enable a pupil to be the best they can. 

In consort with ACE Wrap services there is a successful family support club called Bud Club which is run with our colleagues in Hamoaze House and CAMHS to support the family needs of very many pupils and parents. Activities for the whole family enable supportive relationships to build and remove the isolation these families often feel. 

Head of Provision: 

Sarah Dodds 01752 396100 / 07710 307456

ACE WRAP North Hill

111 North Hill, Plymouth, PL4 8JY

  • Lead Teacher: Michael Moor | 7890 435709 |
  • Pastoral Manager: Danny Kings | 07458 047168 |

ACE WRAP Primary

Auckland Road, Ford, Plymouth, PL2 3BX

  • Lead Teacher: Kate Robinson |
  • Pastoral Lead: Lucy Robinson | 07801 587426 |